Name | Type | Description |
StoreId | integer | Store identifier |
Name | string | Name |
ApmPhoneNumber | string | Automated Phone Marketing number |
PhoneNumber | string | Phone number |
EmailAddress | string | Email address (visible to customers) |
Address | StoreAddress | Store address |
PreOrderEnabled | boolean | True if the store accepts pre-orders |
TakeOutEnabled | boolean | True if the store accepts take-out orders |
TableServiceEnabled | boolean | True if the store has table service |
DineInEnabled | boolean | True if the store accepts dine-in orders |
AllowPreOrdersAndTableService | boolean | True if both pre-orders and talbe service can be enabled |
PickupEnabled | boolean | True if the store accepts pickup orders |
DeliveryEnabled | boolean | True if the store accepts delivery orders |
CardOrderDeliveryEnabled | boolean | True if the store accepts card payment for delivery orders |
CashOrdersDeliveryEnabled | boolean | True if the store accepts cash payment for delivery orders |
CardOrdersPickupEnabled | boolean | True if the store accepts card payment for pickup orders |
CashOrdersPickupEnabled | boolean | True if the store accepts cash payment for pickup orders |
TipsEnabled | boolean | True if the store accepts tips |
AutomaticallyAcceptOrders | boolean | True if the stores orders are automatically accepted in Flipdish |
OpenForDelivery | boolean | True if the store is open for delivery |
OpenForPickup | boolean | True if the store is open for pickup |
MinimumPickupOrderAmount | number | Minimum pickup order amount |
DeliveryFeeAreas | DeliveryFeeArea[] | Delivery fee areas |
RequireCustomerNameForPickup | boolean | True if customer name required for pickup orders |
RequireCustomerNameForDelivery | boolean | True if customer name required for delivery orders |
PickupHours | BusinessHoursPeriod[] | Pickup hours |
DeliveryHours | BusinessHoursPeriod[] | Delivery hours |
MicrosoftTimeZone | string | Microsoft Time Zone Index Values ( |
IanaTimeZone | string | IANA Time Zone ( |
MenuId | integer | Menu identifier |
OrderConfirmationMessageOverrideDelivery | string | Overridden confirmation message for delivery orders |
OrderConfirmationMessageOverridePickup | string | Overridden confirmation message for pickup orders |
PrintoutLayoutType | string | Printout layout |
StoreNotes | StoreNote[] | Store notes |
Updated less than a minute ago